Friday, September 21, 2012

September 21 - Daily Draw

Today's daily draw was with the Arcus Arcanum Tarot, one of my favorites.  It has the same art style as the covers of fantasy novels published in the 70s and 80s - books that I grew up loving.  Though it is a bit dated, it's a very nostalgic dating.

I didn't ask a specific question today, just laid out some cards to tell about my day.  Right away I notice the two Pentacles - I did just start selling my tarot deck yesterday, so money is on my mind a lot.  The Ace tells of a beginning; the new deck.  The Nine shows a woman happily displaying a table of gold Pentacles, hopefully foretelling that I'll be able to make back the money I spent on this project!  Judgment is a bit more ambiguous here.  To me, it often represents an awakening from a period of self-reflection signified by the Hanged Man.  But this Judgment is not only the trumpeting angel of the Rider-Waite Tarot - this angel carries a sword as well, and though many are reaching up to appeal to him, one notable person in the bottom right is burying his face in his hands.  This may be a painful awakening or realization I'll have to go through before I find the promised 'riches' of the Nine!

For today's Lenormand pair, I've used the Astrological Lenormand once again.  Cross + Flowers is a worrying combination - a difficulty or sacrifice that may come in the form of a gift or with a pleasant face.  I wonder if this is also what the Judgment card was referring to.  Either way, I'll have to be on my guard today;  it seems a silk-covered dagger is coming my way!

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