Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22 - Daily Draw

I'm using the Russian Tarot of St. Petersburg for my daily draw today, one of my first decks and still one of my favorites.  I especially love it around Christmas-time, all that gold seems so ornately festive; but it's wonderful any time of the year.  Once again I drew the Ace of Coins.  The tarot's message is pretty clear: concentrate on getting this new deck off the ground!

For my Lenormand pair I chose the Gypsy Lenormand cards - these seem to have recently gone out of print, but they're still available fairly cheap on eBay.  These two cards don't quite do it justice - there are many more fully illustrated and absolutely beautiful.  The Lenormand cards have a similar message as the tarot today.  Anchor + Fish tells me that stability and security today will come from my self-employment - a welcome message, as things seem less than stable lately!

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