Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22 - Daily Draw (Etteilla-style)

9WR Slowness, disadvantage; Temperance; PSR sudden event, imposter; Judgment

Okay, so I know I said I was done with the Etteilla daily draws; but perhaps I should have said that I'd be doing more of an evolution.  Today is the Cagliostro Tarot, first published in 1912 in Italy, using Etteilla-style numbering and keywords with a more Marseilles-like, Egyptian-inspired Major Arcana.

Today I drew the Nine of Wands reversed, Temperance, the Page of Swords reversed, and Judgment.  The Etteilla keywords listed are 'slowness', 'harmony', 'sudden event', and 'rebirth'.  This morning was very slow and steady, not usual for a Monday morning and very welcome!  Not sure yet what the 'sudden event' will be, but I suppose I'll have to try and be ready.  Judgment seems to say that it will change the character of the rest of the day.

I have a few more mixed Etteilla-style decks up my sleeve, and I'm still feeling in a cartomantic mood, so more Tarot history is in store!

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