Thursday, October 4, 2012

Take the good with the bad.. the Thomson-Leng Tarot now available!

Well, good news first, right?  The mailman pulled up today with a package for me, full of Lasenic Tarot decks to send on to their new home.  But at the bottom of the box was a little surprise.. a wonderful proof of my new deck reproduction!  Now, for the bad news - four year olds and cameras do not mix, and I'm afraid mine is out of commission.  I've used my camera phone to snap some pictures, but unfortunately it will be a little while until my new camera arrives and I can get some higher quality photos for everyone.  Until then, you'll have to imagine how wonderful this new deck looks - the Thomson-Leng Tarot!

This deck was first published in the early 1900s as part of a magazine giveaway; and an interesting little gem it is!  It is very Rider-Waite based, until you look a little closer.  Wonder why I've been so into the Spanish school of Tarot recently?  This deck not only follows Eudes Picard's elemental attributions of the suits, but the suit of Wands is drawn almost entirely according to his writings!  Obviously someone was reading Picard before Fournier published their El Gran Tarot Esoterico in 1978, but how did it end up in a set of cards given away with a women's magazine?  This fantastic riddle has yet to be solved.  But the cards are amazing!  They have a very 1920s feel to them.  Please visit my Tarot Shop page or click on the Tarot Shop link above to purchase this wonderful deck.

1 comment:

  1. is just a commercial landing page now, is the deck still available and have you gotten your camera sorted out?
    Thanks, Sharyn
